Source code for pydle.features.account

# Account system support.
from pydle.features import rfc1459
import asyncio

[docs]class AccountSupport(rfc1459.RFC1459Support): ## Internal. def _create_user(self, nickname): super()._create_user(nickname) if nickname in self.users: self.users[nickname].update({ 'account': None, 'identified': False }) def _rename_user(self, user, new): super()._rename_user(user, new) # Unset account info to be certain until we get a new response. self._sync_user(new, {'account': None, 'identified': False}) self.whois(new) ## IRC API.
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def whois(self, nickname): info = yield from super().whois(nickname) info.setdefault('account', None) info.setdefault('identified', False) return info
## Message handlers. async def on_raw_307(self, message): """ WHOIS: User has identified for this nickname. (Anope) """ target, nickname = message.params[:2] info = { 'identified': True } if nickname in self.users: self._sync_user(nickname, info) if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_330(self, message): """ WHOIS account name (Atheme). """ target, nickname, account = message.params[:3] info = { 'account': account, 'identified': True } if nickname in self.users: self._sync_user(nickname, info) if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info)