Source code for pydle.features.tls

# TLS support.
import pydle.protocol
from pydle.features import rfc1459
from .. import connection

__all__ = ['TLSSupport']


[docs]class TLSSupport(rfc1459.RFC1459Support): """ TLS support. Pass tls_client_cert, tls_client_cert_key and optionally tls_client_cert_password to have pydle send a client certificate upon TLS connections. """ ## Internal overrides. def __init__(self, *args, tls_client_cert=None, tls_client_cert_key=None, tls_client_cert_password=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tls_client_cert = tls_client_cert self.tls_client_cert_key = tls_client_cert_key self.tls_client_cert_password = tls_client_cert_password
[docs] async def connect(self, hostname=None, port=None, tls=False, **kwargs): """ Connect to a server, optionally over TLS. See pydle.features.RFC1459Support.connect for misc parameters. """ if not port: if tls: port = DEFAULT_TLS_PORT else: port = rfc1459.protocol.DEFAULT_PORT return await super().connect(hostname, port, tls=tls, **kwargs)
async def _connect(self, hostname, port, reconnect=False, password=None, encoding=pydle.protocol.DEFAULT_ENCODING, channels=[], tls=False, tls_verify=False, source_address=None): """ Connect to IRC server, optionally over TLS. """ self.password = password # Create connection if we can't reuse it. if not reconnect: self._autojoin_channels = channels self.connection = connection.Connection(hostname, port, source_address=source_address, tls=tls, tls_verify=tls_verify, tls_certificate_file=self.tls_client_cert, tls_certificate_keyfile=self.tls_client_cert_key, tls_certificate_password=self.tls_client_cert_password, eventloop=self.eventloop) self.encoding = encoding # Connect. await self.connection.connect() ## API.
[docs] async def whois(self, nickname): info = await super().whois(nickname) info.setdefault('secure', False) return info
## Message callbacks. async def on_raw_671(self, message): """ WHOIS: user is connected securely. """ target, nickname = message.params[:2] info = { 'secure': True } if nickname in self._whois_info: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info)