Source code for pydle.features.ctcp

# Client-to-Client-Protocol (CTCP) support.
import pydle.protocol
from pydle.features import rfc1459

__all__ = [ 'CTCPSupport' ]


[docs]class CTCPSupport(rfc1459.RFC1459Support): """ Support for CTCP messages. """ ## Callbacks.
[docs] async def on_ctcp(self, by, target, what, contents): """ Callback called when the user received a CTCP message. Client subclasses can override on_ctcp_<type> to be called when receiving a message of that specific CTCP type, in addition to this callback. """ pass
[docs] async def on_ctcp_reply(self, by, target, what, response): """ Callback called when the user received a CTCP response. Client subclasses can override on_ctcp_<type>_reply to be called when receiving a reply of that specific CTCP type, in addition to this callback. """ pass
async def on_ctcp_version(self, by, target, contents): """ Built-in CTCP version as some networks seem to require it. """ import pydle version = '{name} v{ver}'.format(name=pydle.__name__, ver=pydle.__version__) self.ctcp_reply(by, 'VERSION', version) ## IRC API.
[docs] async def ctcp(self, target, query, contents=None): """ Send a CTCP request to a target. """ if self.is_channel(target) and not self.in_channel(target): raise client.NotInChannel(target) await self.message(target, construct_ctcp(query, contents))
[docs] async def ctcp_reply(self, target, query, response): """ Send a CTCP reply to a target. """ if self.is_channel(target) and not self.in_channel(target): raise client.NotInChannel(target) await self.notice(target, construct_ctcp(query, response))
## Handler overrides. async def on_raw_privmsg(self, message): """ Modify PRIVMSG to redirect CTCP messages. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) target, msg = message.params if is_ctcp(msg): self._sync_user(nick, metadata) type, contents = parse_ctcp(msg) # Find dedicated handler if it exists. attr = 'on_ctcp_' + pydle.protocol.identifierify(type) if hasattr(self, attr): await getattr(self, attr)(nick, target, contents) # Invoke global handler. await self.on_ctcp(nick, target, type, contents) else: await super().on_raw_privmsg(message) async def on_raw_notice(self, message): """ Modify NOTICE to redirect CTCP messages. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) target, msg = message.params if is_ctcp(msg): self._sync_user(nick, metadata) type, response = parse_ctcp(msg) # Find dedicated handler if it exists. attr = 'on_ctcp_' + pydle.protocol.identifierify(type) + '_reply' if hasattr(self, attr): await getattr(self, attr)(user, target, response) # Invoke global handler. await self.on_ctcp_reply(user, target, type, response) else: await super().on_raw_notice(message)
## Helpers. def is_ctcp(message): """ Check if message follows the CTCP format. """ return message.startswith(CTCP_DELIMITER) and message.endswith(CTCP_DELIMITER) def construct_ctcp(*parts): """ Construct CTCP message. """ message = ' '.join(parts) message = message.replace('\0', CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + '0') message = message.replace('\n', CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + 'n') message = message.replace('\r', CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + 'r') message = message.replace(CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR, CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR) return CTCP_DELIMITER + message + CTCP_DELIMITER def parse_ctcp(query): """ Strip and de-quote CTCP messages. """ query = query.strip(CTCP_DELIMITER) query = query.replace(CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + '0', '\0') query = query.replace(CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + 'n', '\n') query = query.replace(CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + 'r', '\r') query = query.replace(CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR + CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR, CTCP_ESCAPE_CHAR) if ' ' in query: return query.split(' ', 1) return query, None