Source code for pydle.features.rfc1459.client

# Basic RFC1459 stuff.
import copy
import datetime
import ipaddress
import itertools

from pydle.client import BasicClient, NotInChannel, AlreadyInChannel
from . import parsing, protocol

[docs]class RFC1459Support(BasicClient): """ Basic RFC1459 client. """ DEFAULT_QUIT_MESSAGE = 'Quitting' ## Internals. def _reset_attributes(self): super()._reset_attributes() # Casemapping. self._case_mapping = protocol.DEFAULT_CASE_MAPPING # Limitations. self._away_message_length_limit = None self._channel_length_limit = protocol.CHANNEL_LENGTH_LIMIT self._channel_limit_groups = copy.deepcopy(protocol.CHANNEL_LIMITS_GROUPS) self._channel_limits = copy.deepcopy(protocol.CHANNEL_LIMITS) self._command_parameter_limit = protocol.PARAMETER_LIMIT self._list_limit_groups = copy.deepcopy(protocol.LIST_LIMITS_GROUPS) self._list_limits = copy.deepcopy(protocol.LIST_LIMITS) self._mode_limit = None self._nickname_length_limit = protocol.NICKNAME_LENGTH_LIMIT self._target_limits = {} self._topic_length_limit = protocol.TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT # Modes, prefixes. self._mode = {} self._channel_modes = set(protocol.CHANNEL_MODES) self._channel_modes_behaviour = copy.deepcopy(protocol.CHANNEL_MODES_BEHAVIOUR) self._channel_prefixes = set(protocol.CHANNEL_PREFIXES) self._nickname_prefixes = protocol.NICKNAME_PREFIXES.copy() self._status_message_prefixes = set() self._user_modes = set(protocol.USER_MODES) self._user_modes_behaviour = copy.deepcopy(protocol.USER_MODES_BEHAVIOUR) # Registration. self.registered = False self._registration_attempts = 0 self._attempt_nicknames = self._nicknames[:] # Info. self._pending['whois'] = parsing.NormalizingDict(case_mapping=self._case_mapping) self._pending['whowas'] = parsing.NormalizingDict(case_mapping=self._case_mapping) self._whois_info = parsing.NormalizingDict(case_mapping=self._case_mapping) self._whowas_info = parsing.NormalizingDict(case_mapping=self._case_mapping) # Misc. self.motd = None self.channels = parsing.NormalizingDict(self.channels, case_mapping=self._case_mapping) self.users = parsing.NormalizingDict(self.users, case_mapping=self._case_mapping) def _reset_connection_attributes(self): super()._reset_connection_attributes() self.password = None def _create_channel(self, channel): super()._create_channel(channel) self.channels[channel].update({ 'modes': {}, 'topic': None, 'topic_by': None, 'topic_set': None, 'created': None, 'password': None, 'banlist': None, 'public': True }) def _create_user(self, nickname): super()._create_user(nickname) if nickname in self.users: self.users[nickname].update({ 'away': False, 'away_message': None, }) def _rename_user(self, user, new): super()._rename_user(user, new) # Rename in mode lists, too. for ch in self.channels.values(): for status in self._nickname_prefixes.values(): if status in ch['modes'] and user in ch['modes'][status]: ch['modes'][status].remove(user) ch['modes'][status].append(new) def _destroy_user(self, user, channel=None): if channel: channels = [self.channels[channel]] else: channels = self.channels.values() # Remove user from status list too. for ch in channels: for status in self._nickname_prefixes.values(): if status in ch['modes'] and user in ch['modes'][status]: ch['modes'][status].remove(user) def _parse_user(self, data): if data: nickname, username, host = parsing.parse_user(data) metadata = {} metadata['nickname'] = nickname if username: metadata['username'] = username if host: metadata['hostname'] = host else: return None, {} return nickname, metadata def _parse_user_modes(self, user, modes, current=None): if current is None: current = self.users[user]['modes'] return parsing.parse_modes(modes, current, behaviour=self._user_modes_behaviour) def _parse_channel_modes(self, channel, modes, current=None): if current is None: current = self.channels[channel]['modes'] return parsing.parse_modes(modes, current, behaviour=self._channel_modes_behaviour) def _format_host_range(self, host, range, allow_everything=False): # IPv4? try: addr = ipaddress.IPv4Network(host, strict=False) max = 4 if allow_everything else 3 # Round up subnet to nearest octet. subnet = addr.prefixlen + (8 - addr.prefixlen % 8) # Remove range mask. subnet -= min(range, max) * 8 rangeaddr = addr.supernet(new_prefix=subnet).exploded.split('/', 1)[0] return rangeaddr.replace('0', '*') except ValueError: pass # IPv6? try: addr = ipaddress.IPv6Network(host, strict=False) max = 4 if allow_everything else 3 # Round up subnet to nearest 32-et. subnet = addr.prefixlen + (32 - addr.prefixlen % 32) # Remove range mask. subnet -= min(range, max) * 32 rangeaddr = addr.supernet(new_prefix=subnet).exploded.split('/', 1)[0] return rangeaddr.replace(':0000', ':*') except ValueError: pass # Host? if '.' in host: # Split pieces. pieces = host.split('.') max = len(pieces) if not allow_everything: max -= 1 # Figure out how many to mask. to_mask = min(range, max) # Mask pieces. pieces[:to_mask] = '*' * to_mask return '.'.join(pieces) # Wat. if allow_everything and range >= 4: return '*' else: return host ## Connection.
[docs] async def connect(self, hostname=None, port=None, password=None, **kwargs): port = port or protocol.DEFAULT_PORT # Connect... await super().connect(hostname, port, **kwargs) # Check if a password was provided and we don't already have one if password is not None and not self.password: # if so, set the password. self.password = password # And initiate the IRC connection. await self._register()
async def _register(self): """ Perform IRC connection registration. """ if self.registered: return self._registration_attempts += 1 # Don't throttle during registration, most ircds don't care for flooding during registration, # and it might speed it up significantly. self.connection.throttle = False # Password first. if self.password: await self.rawmsg('PASS', self.password) # Then nickname... await self.set_nickname(self._attempt_nicknames.pop(0)) # And now for the rest of the user information. await self.rawmsg('USER', self.username, '0', '*', self.realname) async def _registration_completed(self, message): """ We're connected and registered. Receive proper nickname and emit fake NICK message. """ if not self.registered: # Re-enable throttling. self.registered = True self.connection.throttle = True target = message.params[0] fakemsg = self._create_message('NICK', target, source=self.nickname) await self.on_raw_nick(fakemsg) ## Message handling. def _has_message(self): """ Whether or not we have messages available for processing. """ sep = protocol.MINIMAL_LINE_SEPARATOR.encode(self.encoding) return sep in self._receive_buffer def _create_message(self, command, *params, **kwargs): return parsing.RFC1459Message(command, params, **kwargs) def _parse_message(self): sep = protocol.MINIMAL_LINE_SEPARATOR.encode(self.encoding) message, _, data = self._receive_buffer.partition(sep) self._receive_buffer = data return parsing.RFC1459Message.parse(message + sep, encoding=self.encoding) ## IRC API.
[docs] async def set_nickname(self, nickname): """ Set nickname to given nickname. Users should only rely on the nickname actually being changed when receiving an on_nick_change callback. """ await self.rawmsg('NICK', nickname)
[docs] async def join(self, channel, password=None): """ Join channel, optionally with password. """ if self.in_channel(channel): raise AlreadyInChannel(channel) if password: await self.rawmsg('JOIN', channel, password) else: await self.rawmsg('JOIN', channel)
[docs] async def part(self, channel, message=None): """ Leave channel, optionally with message. """ if not self.in_channel(channel): raise NotInChannel(channel) # Message seems to be an extension to the spec. if message: await self.rawmsg('PART', channel, message) else: await self.rawmsg('PART', channel)
[docs] async def kick(self, channel, target, reason=None): """ Kick user from channel. """ if not self.in_channel(channel): raise NotInChannel(channel) if reason: await self.rawmsg('KICK', channel, target, reason) else: await self.rawmsg('KICK', channel, target)
[docs] async def ban(self, channel, target, range=0): """ Ban user from channel. Target can be either a user or a host. This command will not kick: use kickban() for that. range indicates the IP/host range to ban: 0 means ban only the IP/host, 1+ means ban that many 'degrees' (up to 3 for IP addresses) of the host for range bans. """ if target in self.users: host = self.users[target]['hostname'] else: host = target host = self._format_host_range(host, range) mask = self._format_host_mask('*', '*', host) await self.rawmsg('MODE', channel, '+b', mask)
[docs] async def unban(self, channel, target, range=0): """ Unban user from channel. Target can be either a user or a host. See ban documentation for the range parameter. """ if target in self.users: host = self.users[target]['hostname'] else: host = target host = self._format_host_range(host, range) mask = self._format_host_mask('*', '*', host) await self.rawmsg('MODE', channel, '-b', mask)
[docs] async def kickban(self, channel, target, reason=None, range=0): """ Kick and ban user from channel. """ await self.ban(channel, target, range) await self.kick(channel, target, reason)
[docs] async def quit(self, message=None): """ Quit network. """ if message is None: message = self.DEFAULT_QUIT_MESSAGE await self.rawmsg('QUIT', message) await self.disconnect(expected=True)
[docs] async def cycle(self, channel): """ Rejoin channel. """ if not self.in_channel(channel): raise NotInChannel(channel) password = self.channels[channel]['password'] await self.part(channel) await self.join(channel, password)
[docs] async def message(self, target, message): """ Message channel or user. """ hostmask = self._format_user_mask(self.nickname) # Leeway. chunklen = protocol.MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT - len( '{hostmask} PRIVMSG {target} :'.format(hostmask=hostmask, target=target)) - 25 for line in message.replace('\r', '').split('\n'): for chunk in chunkify(line, chunklen): # Some IRC servers respond with "412 Bot :No text to send" on empty messages. await self.rawmsg('PRIVMSG', target, chunk or ' ')
[docs] async def notice(self, target, message): """ Notice channel or user. """ hostmask = self._format_user_mask(self.nickname) # Leeway. chunklen = protocol.MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT - len( '{hostmask} NOTICE {target} :'.format(hostmask=hostmask, target=target)) - 25 for line in message.replace('\r', '').split('\n'): for chunk in chunkify(line, chunklen): await self.rawmsg('NOTICE', target, chunk)
[docs] async def set_mode(self, target, *modes): """ Set mode on target. Users should only rely on the mode actually being changed when receiving an on_{channel,user}_mode_change callback. """ if self.is_channel(target) and not self.in_channel(target): raise NotInChannel(target) await self.rawmsg('MODE', target, *modes)
[docs] async def set_topic(self, channel, topic): """ Set topic on channel. Users should only rely on the topic actually being changed when receiving an on_topic_change callback. """ if not self.is_channel(channel): raise ValueError('Not a channel: {}'.format(channel)) elif not self.in_channel(channel): raise NotInChannel(channel) await self.rawmsg('TOPIC', channel, topic)
[docs] async def away(self, message): """ Mark self as away. """ await self.rawmsg('AWAY', message)
[docs] async def back(self): """ Mark self as not away. """ await self.rawmsg('AWAY')
[docs] async def whois(self, nickname): """ Return information about user. This is an blocking asynchronous method: it has to be called from a coroutine, as follows: info = await self.whois('Nick') """ # Some IRCDs are wonky and send strange responses for spaces in nicknames. # We just check if there's a space in the nickname -- if there is, # then we immediately set the future's result to None and don't bother checking. if is not None: result = self.eventloop.create_future() result.set_result(None) return result if nickname not in self._pending['whois']: await self.rawmsg('WHOIS', nickname) self._whois_info[nickname] = { 'oper': False, 'idle': 0, 'away': False, 'away_message': None } # Create a future for when the WHOIS requests succeeds. self._pending['whois'][nickname] = self.eventloop.create_future() return await self._pending['whois'][nickname]
[docs] async def whowas(self, nickname): """ Return information about offline user. This is an blocking asynchronous method: it has to be called from a coroutine, as follows: info = await self.whowas('Nick') """ # Same treatment as nicknames in whois. if is not None: result = self.eventloop.create_future() result.set_result(None) return result if nickname not in self._pending['whowas']: await self.rawmsg('WHOWAS', nickname) self._whowas_info[nickname] = {} # Create a future for when the WHOWAS requests succeeds. self._pending['whowas'][nickname] = self.eventloop.create_future() return await self._pending['whowas'][nickname]
## IRC helpers. def normalize(self, input): return parsing.normalize(input, case_mapping=self._case_mapping)
[docs] def is_channel(self, chan): return any(chan.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self._channel_prefixes)
[docs] def is_same_nick(self, left, right): """ Check if given nicknames are equal in the server's case mapping. """ return self.normalize(left) == self.normalize(right)
[docs] def is_same_channel(self, left, right): """ Check if given nicknames are equal in the server's case mapping. """ return self.normalize(left) == self.normalize(right)
## Overloadable callbacks.
[docs] async def on_connect(self): # Auto-join channels. for channel in self._autojoin_channels: await self.join(channel) # super call await super().on_connect()
[docs] async def on_invite(self, channel, by): """ Callback called when the client was invited into a channel by someone. """ pass
[docs] async def on_user_invite(self, target, channel, by): """ Callback called when another user was invited into a channel by someone. """ pass
[docs] async def on_join(self, channel, user): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, has joined the channel. """ pass
[docs] async def on_kill(self, target, by, reason): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, was killed from the server. """ pass
[docs] async def on_kick(self, channel, target, by, reason=None): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, was kicked from a channel. """ pass
[docs] async def on_mode_change(self, channel, modes, by): """ Callback called when the mode on a channel was changed. """ pass
[docs] async def on_user_mode_change(self, modes): """ Callback called when a user mode change occurred for the client. """ pass
[docs] async def on_message(self, target, by, message): """ Callback called when the client received a message. """ pass
[docs] async def on_channel_message(self, target, by, message): """ Callback received when the client received a message in a channel. """ pass
[docs] async def on_private_message(self, target, by, message): """ Callback called when the client received a message in private. """ pass
[docs] async def on_nick_change(self, old, new): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, changed their nickname. """ pass
[docs] async def on_notice(self, target, by, message): """ Callback called when the client received a notice. """ pass
[docs] async def on_channel_notice(self, target, by, message): """ Callback called when the client received a notice in a channel. """ pass
[docs] async def on_private_notice(self, target, by, message): """ Callback called when the client received a notice in private. """ pass
[docs] async def on_part(self, channel, user, message=None): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, left a channel. """ pass
[docs] async def on_topic_change(self, channel, message, by): """ Callback called when the topic for a channel was changed. """ pass
[docs] async def on_quit(self, user, message=None): """ Callback called when a user, possibly the client, left the network. """ pass
## Callback handlers. async def on_raw_error(self, message): """ Server encountered an error and will now close the connection. """ error = protocol.ServerError(' '.join(message.params)) await self.on_data_error(error) async def on_raw_invite(self, message): """ INVITE command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) self._sync_user(nick, metadata) target, channel = message.params target, metadata = self._parse_user(target) if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, target): await self.on_invite(channel, nick) else: await self.on_user_invite(target, channel, nick) async def on_raw_join(self, message): """ JOIN command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) self._sync_user(nick, metadata) channels = message.params[0].split(',') if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, nick): # Add to our channel list, we joined here. for channel in channels: if not self.in_channel(channel): self._create_channel(channel) # Request channel mode from IRCd. await self.rawmsg('MODE', channel) else: # Add user to channel user list. for channel in channels: if self.in_channel(channel): self.channels[channel]['users'].add(nick) for channel in channels: await self.on_join(channel, nick) async def on_raw_kick(self, message): """ KICK command. """ kicker, kickermeta = self._parse_user(message.source) self._sync_user(kicker, kickermeta) if len(message.params) > 2: channels, targets, reason = message.params else: channels, targets = message.params reason = None channels = channels.split(',') targets = targets.split(',') for channel, target in itertools.product(channels, targets): target, targetmeta = self._parse_user(target) self._sync_user(target, targetmeta) if self.is_same_nick(target, self.nickname): self._destroy_channel(channel) else: # Update nick list on channel. if self.in_channel(channel): self._destroy_user(target, channel) await self.on_kick(channel, target, kicker, reason) async def on_raw_kill(self, message): """ KILL command. """ by, bymeta = self._parse_user(message.source) target, targetmeta = self._parse_user(message.params[0]) reason = message.params[1] self._sync_user(target, targetmeta) if by in self.users: self._sync_user(by, bymeta) await self.on_kill(target, by, reason) if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, target): await self.disconnect(expected=False) else: self._destroy_user(target) async def on_raw_mode(self, message): """ MODE command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) target, modes = message.params[0], message.params[1:] self._sync_user(nick, metadata) if self.is_channel(target): if self.in_channel(target): # Parse modes. self.channels[target]['modes'] = self._parse_channel_modes(target, modes) await self.on_mode_change(target, modes, nick) else: target, targetmeta = self._parse_user(target) self._sync_user(target, targetmeta) # Update own modes. if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, nick): self._mode = self._parse_user_modes(nick, modes, current=self._mode) await self.on_user_mode_change(modes) async def on_raw_nick(self, message): """ NICK command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) new = message.params[0] self._sync_user(nick, metadata) # Acknowledgement of nickname change: set it internally, too. # Alternatively, we were force nick-changed. Nothing much we can do about it. if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, nick): self.nickname = new # Go through all user lists and replace. self._rename_user(nick, new) # Call handler. await self.on_nick_change(nick, new) async def on_raw_notice(self, message): """ NOTICE command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) target, message = message.params self._sync_user(nick, metadata) await self.on_notice(target, nick, message) if self.is_channel(target): await self.on_channel_notice(target, nick, message) else: await self.on_private_notice(target, nick, message) async def on_raw_part(self, message): """ PART command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) channels = message.params[0].split(',') if len(message.params) > 1: reason = message.params[1] else: reason = None self._sync_user(nick, metadata) if self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, nick): # We left the channel. Remove from channel list. :( for channel in channels: if self.in_channel(channel): self._destroy_channel(channel) await self.on_part(channel, nick, reason) else: # Someone else left. Remove them. for channel in channels: self._destroy_user(nick, channel) await self.on_part(channel, nick, reason) async def on_raw_ping(self, message): """ PING command. """ # Respond with a pong. await self.rawmsg('PONG', *message.params) async def on_raw_privmsg(self, message): """ PRIVMSG command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) target, message = message.params self._sync_user(nick, metadata) await self.on_message(target, nick, message) if self.is_channel(target): await self.on_channel_message(target, nick, message) else: await self.on_private_message(target, nick, message) async def on_raw_quit(self, message): """ QUIT command. """ nick, metadata = self._parse_user(message.source) self._sync_user(nick, metadata) if message.params: reason = message.params[0] else: reason = None await self.on_quit(nick, reason) # Remove user from database. if not self.is_same_nick(self.nickname, nick): self._destroy_user(nick) # Else, we quit. elif self.connected: await self.disconnect(expected=True) async def on_raw_topic(self, message): """ TOPIC command. """ setter, settermeta = self._parse_user(message.source) target, topic = message.params self._sync_user(setter, settermeta) # Update topic in our own channel list. if self.in_channel(target): self.channels[target]['topic'] = topic self.channels[target]['topic_by'] = setter self.channels[target]['topic_set'] = await self.on_topic_change(target, topic, setter) ## Numeric responses. # Since RFC1459 specifies no specific banner message upon completion of registration, # take any of the below commands as an indication that registration succeeded. on_raw_001 = _registration_completed # Welcome message. on_raw_002 = _registration_completed # Server host. on_raw_003 = _registration_completed # Server creation time. async def on_raw_004(self, message): """ Basic server information. """ target, hostname, ircd, user_modes, channel_modes = message.params[:5] # Set valid channel and user modes. self._channel_modes = set(channel_modes) self._user_modes = set(user_modes) on_raw_008 = _registration_completed # Server notice mask. on_raw_042 = _registration_completed # Unique client ID. on_raw_250 = _registration_completed # Connection statistics. on_raw_251 = _registration_completed # Amount of users online. on_raw_252 = _registration_completed # Amount of operators online. on_raw_253 = _registration_completed # Amount of unknown connections. on_raw_254 = _registration_completed # Amount of channels. on_raw_255 = _registration_completed # Amount of local users and servers. on_raw_265 = _registration_completed # Amount of local users. on_raw_266 = _registration_completed # Amount of global users. async def on_raw_301(self, message): """ User is away. """ target, nickname, message = message.params info = { 'away': True, 'away_message': message } if nickname in self.users: self._sync_user(nickname, info) if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_311(self, message): """ WHOIS user info. """ target, nickname, username, hostname, _, realname = message.params info = { 'username': username, 'hostname': hostname, 'realname': realname } self._sync_user(nickname, info) if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_312(self, message): """ WHOIS server info. """ target, nickname, server, serverinfo = message.params info = { 'server': server, 'server_info': serverinfo } if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) if nickname in self._pending['whowas']: self._whowas_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_313(self, message): """ WHOIS operator info. """ target, nickname = message.params[:2] info = { 'oper': True } if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_314(self, message): """ WHOWAS user info. """ target, nickname, username, hostname, _, realname = message.params info = { 'username': username, 'hostname': hostname, 'realname': realname } if nickname in self._pending['whowas']: self._whowas_info[nickname].update(info) on_raw_315 = BasicClient._ignored # End of /WHO list. async def on_raw_317(self, message): """ WHOIS idle time. """ target, nickname, idle_time = message.params[:3] info = { 'idle': int(idle_time), } if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_318(self, message): """ End of /WHOIS list. """ target, nickname = message.params[:2] # Mark future as done. if nickname in self._pending['whois']: future = self._pending['whois'].pop(nickname) future.set_result(self._whois_info[nickname]) async def on_raw_319(self, message): """ WHOIS active channels. """ target, nickname, channels = message.params[:3] channels = {channel.lstrip() for channel in channels.strip().split(' ')} info = { 'channels': channels } if nickname in self._pending['whois']: self._whois_info[nickname].update(info) async def on_raw_324(self, message): """ Channel mode. """ target, channel = message.params[:2] modes = message.params[2:] if not self.in_channel(channel): return self.channels[channel]['modes'] = self._parse_channel_modes(channel, modes) async def on_raw_329(self, message): """ Channel creation time. """ target, channel, timestamp = message.params if not self.in_channel(channel): return self.channels[channel]['created'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) async def on_raw_332(self, message): """ Current topic on channel join. """ target, channel, topic = message.params if not self.in_channel(channel): return self.channels[channel]['topic'] = topic async def on_raw_333(self, message): """ Topic setter and time on channel join. """ target, channel, setter, timestamp = message.params if not self.in_channel(channel): return # No need to sync user since this is most likely outdated info. self.channels[channel]['topic_by'] = self._parse_user(setter)[0] self.channels[channel]['topic_set'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) async def on_raw_353(self, message): """ Response to /NAMES. """ target, visibility, channel, names = message.params if not self.in_channel(channel): return # Set channel visibility. if visibility == protocol.PUBLIC_CHANNEL_SIGIL: self.channels[channel]['public'] = True elif visibility in (protocol.PRIVATE_CHANNEL_SIGIL, protocol.SECRET_CHANNEL_SIGIL): self.channels[channel]['public'] = False # Update channel user list. for entry in names.split(): statuses = [] # Make entry safe for _parse_user(). safe_entry = entry.lstrip(''.join(self._nickname_prefixes.keys())) # Parse entry and update database. nick, metadata = self._parse_user(safe_entry) self._sync_user(nick, metadata) # Get prefixes. prefixes = set(entry.replace(safe_entry, '')) # Check, record and strip status prefixes. for prefix, status in self._nickname_prefixes.items(): # Add to list of statuses by user. if prefix in prefixes: statuses.append(status) # Add user to user list. self.channels[channel]['users'].add(nick) # And to channel modes.. for status in statuses: if status not in self.channels[channel]['modes']: self.channels[channel]['modes'][status] = [] self.channels[channel]['modes'][status].append(nick) on_raw_366 = BasicClient._ignored # End of /NAMES list. async def on_raw_375(self, message): """ Start message of the day. """ await self._registration_completed(message) self.motd = message.params[1] + '\n' async def on_raw_372(self, message): """ Append message of the day. """ self.motd += message.params[1] + '\n' async def on_raw_376(self, message): """ End of message of the day. """ self.motd += message.params[1] + '\n' # MOTD is done, let's tell our bot the connection is ready. await self.on_connect() async def on_raw_401(self, message): """ No such nick/channel. """ nickname = message.params[1] # Remove nickname from whois requests if it involves one of ours. if nickname in self._pending['whois']: future = self._pending['whois'].pop(nickname) future.set_result(None) del self._whois_info[nickname] async def on_raw_402(self, message): """ No such server. """ return await self.on_raw_401(message) async def on_raw_422(self, message): """ MOTD is missing. """ await self._registration_completed(message) self.motd = None await self.on_connect() async def on_raw_421(self, message): """ Server responded with 'unknown command'. """ self.logger.warning('Server responded with "Unknown command: %s"', message.params[0]) async def on_raw_432(self, message): """ Erroneous nickname. """ if not self.registered: # Nothing else we can do than try our next nickname. await self.on_raw_433(message) async def on_raw_433(self, message): """ Nickname in use. """ if not self.registered: self._registration_attempts += 1 # Attempt to set new nickname. if self._attempt_nicknames: await self.set_nickname(self._attempt_nicknames.pop(0)) else: await self.set_nickname( self._nicknames[0] + '_' * (self._registration_attempts - len(self._nicknames))) on_raw_436 = BasicClient._ignored # Nickname collision, issued right before the server kills us. async def on_raw_451(self, message): """ We have to register first before doing X. """ self.logger.warning('Attempted to send non-registration command before being registered.') on_raw_451 = BasicClient._ignored # You have to register first. on_raw_462 = BasicClient._ignored # You may not re-register.
## Helpers. def chunkify(message, chunksize): if not message: yield message else: while message: chunk = message[:chunksize] message = message[chunksize:] yield chunk